
* 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm - Quiet Time
Naptime in My Children's Day Care comfortable rest area. "Quiet Rooms" are filled with mattresses, pillows, cuddly toys. Children who choose to do not nap are engaged in quiet activities or a special customized project "just for them".

* 2:30 pm to 3 pm - Outdoor Play
Fun outside. Care givers introduce new games, and overlook activities, reinstating 'good citizen' concepts like "taking turns" and "sharing".

* 3 pm to 3:30 pm - Snack Time
Healthy snacks are served.

* 3:30 pm to 5 pm - Outdoor or Indoor Play
Care givers introduce new games and overlook activities, reinstating 'good citizen' concepts like "taking turns" and "sharing".

* 5 pm to 6 pm - Pick up time
Preparation for departure. Free Play - reading and drawing are encouraged indoors and/or outdoor until parents arrive.